Cikampek, (24/12) – PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB) through Region I Jabodetabek coordinates with partner rest area managers to ensure smooth flow of going back and forth from Nataru 2021-2022. Head of Region I PT JMRB Warih Dumadi said, in addition to maximizing coordination with partners, PT JMRB also placed Task Forces in all partner rest areas in the Greater Jakarta area.
“With the task force deployed by PT JMRB, we hope that the handling of Nataru 2021-2022 will be smoother, safer and more comfortable. Although the rest area in the Jabodetabek area is not directly managed by PT JMRB, we are still supervising the smooth operation of the rest area,” said Warih.
Furthermore, Warih said, the synergy established between PT JMRB and partners was carried out solely to provide maximum service for toll road users, especially on toll road sections belonging to the Jasa Marga Group.
In addition to Region I, all PT JMRB regional offices also coordinated with a number of parties during the 2021-2022 Nataru period, including the Police, PT Jasa Marga Representative Office, PT Jasa Marga Toll Road Subsidiary (APJT), PT Jasa Raharja, PT Pertamina. , the Department of Transportation, the local Health Office, and so on.