Jakarta, (23/6) – In order to transform the values ​​and culture of AKHLAK within the Jasa Marga Group, PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB) held a socialization of AKHLAK culture to rest area partners managed by PT JMRB, especially to cleaning service employees, technicians , security officers, as well as representatives of MSME tenants, retailers, and gas stations.

In this case, each PT JMRB working area led by the Regional Head carried out socialization methods using online and in-person methods, while still prioritizing health protocols.

Head of Region IV Central Java-2 Dondy Susanto said this method was quite effective in instilling a culture of AKHLAK in the rest area. In addition, he also emphasized that the AKHLAK culture can be implemented in daily activities in the work environment.

Meanwhile, Head of Region V East Java Agung Purwanto said that the transformation of the AKHLAK culture, entitled “High Performance Through Digitalization”, also aims to achieve the company’s vision and mission that must be able to compete in the digital era, of course based on AKHLAK values.

As is known, AKHLAK is a value system applied by the Ministry of SOEs for all companies under its auspices.


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