Bawen, (15/11) – In order to ensure the implementation of operational programs, maintenance and construction progress of Jasa Marga Group Toll Roads in Central Java and East Java, the Board of Commissioners and Directors of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. conducting a working visit on the Trans Java Toll Road. On this occasion, the board of directors of PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB) accompanied the working visit.

In the presentation session held at the Head Office of PT Trans Marga Central Java (TMJ), PT JMRB President Director Cahyo Satrio Prakoso explained PT JMRB’s business prospectus going forward. According to him, PT JMRB is currently focusing on developing the Toll Corridor

Development (TCD) business line and the development of rest areas, in addition to other business lines such as advertising and utilities, building management, and so on.

“Currently, we are focusing on TCD in the areas of Jakarta, South Cikampek, and Purwakarta. In addition, with the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Number 28 of 2021 concerning Rest Places and Services on Toll Roads that to improve the quality of Toll Road services, TIP can be developed by adding other supporting facilities in the form of local or regional business centers, areas logistics, tourist destinations, or industrial areas,” said Cahyo in front of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors.

During this working visit, the Board of Commissioners and Directors also visited the rest areas managed by PT JMRB, namely Rest Area Travoy 207A Palikanci and Rest Area Travoy 379A Batang-Semarang.


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