Solo, (6/2) – As a public utility that supports the smooth operation of toll roads, rest areas will remain fully operational during the tightening of health protocols in the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Phase II in Central Java Province, during February 6 and 7, 2021.

Regional Head of PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB) Regional Office of Central Java II Dondy Susanto said that even though it was fully operational for 24 hours, the rest area managed by PT JMRB still implemented strict health protocols for rest area visitors.

“The protocols we implement include limiting parking capacity to a maximum of fifty percent, checking body temperature for visitors and employees, providing hand washing facilities and hand sanitizers, making 3M appeals through public addresses, and spraying disinfectant liquid regularly in all rest facilities. area. Especially at the mosque, we do it after every five daily prayers, because the mosque is one of the most frequently visited facilities,” said Dondy.

Dondy further emphasized that the operation of the rest area during the PPKM Phase II tightening period was carried out based on coordination between PT JMRB and the Toll Road Business Entity (BUJT) under the auspices of the Jasa Marga Group in the Central Java II working area, namely PT Jasamarga Solo Ngawi ( JSN) and PT Jasamarga Ngawi Kertosono (JNK).

Tightening PPKM Phase II in Central Java Province is stated in the Circular Letter of the Governor of Central Java No. 443.5/0001933 February 2, 2021.


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