Ngawi, (27/10) – PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. distributing assistance for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMK) affected by the Covid-19 pandemic at Rest Area Travoy 575 A Solo-Ngawi Section. Jasa Marga provided financial assistance with a total of IDR 1 billion for MSEs in the rest area managed by PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB).

Head of Region IV Central Java-2 PT JMRB Dondy Susanto said the assistance from Jasa Marga really supports the recovery of the MSE sector affected by the pandemic, especially in rest areas. According to him, the toll road industry or rest area cannot be separated from the role of MSE players who are partners in the rest area.

“This assistance from Jasa Marga has greatly eased the burden on MSEs tenants in rest areas, especially in Rest Area Travoy 575 A. We hope that this assistance can ease MSEs in running their business. , said Dondy.

In addition to assistance from Jasa Marga, PT JMRB also provided assistance to MSEs in the rest area by providing a number of payment relaxations. Among other things, rent payments that can be paid in installments four times a year.

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