No. 1/2022
Date: January 11, 2022
Jakarta, (11/1) – In order to intensify the development of rest areas, PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB) cooperates with Omega Hotel Management (OHM), as part of the Alfaland Group. The cooperation agreement between the two was stated in a memorandum of understanding signed on Monday (10/1) in Jakarta.
President Director of PT JMRB Cahyo Satrio Prakoso said the cooperation to develop this rest area followed the issuance of Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (Permen PUPR) No. 28 of 2021 concerning Rest and Service Areas (TIP) on Toll Roads.
“With the PUPR Ministerial Regulation, the quality of service for toll road users can be further improved, because rest areas can be developed by adding supporting facilities in the form of local or regional business centers, logistics areas, industrial areas, to tourist support destinations, including lodging facilities,” said Cahyo.
Cahyo added that the potential development of lodging facilities in rest areas is currently still being studied further by PT JMRB and OHM, with the initial identification of toll road sections that are suitable for this inpatient facility, namely the Trans Java Toll Road network.
“Our main target is of course road users who travel continuously/long distances, for the safety and security of their journey. Those who have been in need of overnight facilities to travel from Jakarta or even Merak to Semarang or Surabaya and vice versa, must exit the toll road first before finding the nearest hotel. In addition to the long and busy condition of the Trans Java Toll Road, 85% of the toll road rest areas managed by PT JMRB are also located on the Trans Java Toll Road network so that the potential for the development of this inpatient facility is also increasingly open. However, it is possible that it will be needed later in our rest area on the Outer Java Toll Road,” he added.
That way, Cahyo continued, PT JMRB needs partners or strategic partners who can work together by utilizing the potential resources of each party, one of which is OHM under the auspices of the Alfaland Group.
In line with Cahyo, Director of Operations at PT Omega Hotel Manajemen Aswin Drajat said, during this pandemic, OHM continues to work and innovate by cooperating with potential partners, in this case PT JMRB.
“Together with PT JMRB, we want to develop a hotel business that can advance the Indonesian tourism industry, namely by presenting the best accommodation facilities for people who approach all rest areas developed by PT JMRB. We agree with PT JMRB, currently the rest area that has the potential to present a hotel is a rest area on the Trans Java Toll Road, but it is possible if later it is needed on the Outer Java Toll Road,” said Aswin.
Aswin also expressed his gratitude for the achievement of this collaboration with PT JMRB. According to him, the presence of hotels in the rest area can further add to the attractiveness, comfort, and security for bleisure (business & leisure) travelers who travel by land.
As a subsidiary of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. which is engaged in area development, including rest areas on sections belonging to the Jasa Marga Group, PT JMRB continues to study the potential income from the rest areas it manages. Until now, PT JMRB has managed 27 rest areas spread throughout Indonesia.
Meanwhile, OHM is a local hotel operator that has managed 17 hotels with various brands (Grand Cordela, Cordela Hotel, Cordela Inn, Cordex & Alfa Resort) spread across various regions in Indonesia, starting from Bandung (Soekarno Hatta), Cirebon (Cipto Mangunkusumo) , Puncak (Cisarua), Jakarta (Ancol and Senen), Medan (HM Yamin, AR Hakim, Millennium ICT Center), Kuningan (Siliwangi), Yogyakarta (Malioboro), Pangkalpinang (Hamidah), Palembang (R. Sukamto), Pekanbaru (KH. Wahid Hasyim), Bengkulu (General Sudirman), Sidoarjo (KH. Ali Mas’ud), Solo (Jebres) and Palembang (Malacca).