PT Jasamarga Related Business
No. 6/2021
April 9, 2021
Purwakarta, (9/4) – In order to maximize services for toll road users, PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB) and PT Jawara Bersih Nusantara inaugurated the latest technology-based bathing area, named “Travoy Rilex!” at Rest Area KM 88 B Cipularang Section, Friday (9/4).
Director of Commercial Business of PT JMRB Imad Zaky Mubarak explained that this bathroom is integrated with platform developed by PT Jawara Bersih Nusantara, startup sanitation brand “”. That way, Zaky explained, Travoy Rilex! which will be integrated with Jasa Marga’s Travoy application to accommodate the needs of toll road users to refresh their bodies before continuing their journey.
“The arrival of Travoy Rilex! This technology-based technology brings the spirit of digital transformation for PT JMRB, especially in the Jasa Marga Group. We try to collaborate between the needs of toll road users with technology developed by startup. Later Travoy Relax! Not only can it be found in Rest Area KM 88 B Cipularang Section, but in all rest areas managed by PT JMRB throughout Indonesia,” said Zaky.
Zaky also explained that so far, bathing facilities have not been available in the rest area. This is because the fulfillment of the Minimum Service Standards (SPM) for rest areas which refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) No. 10/PRT/M/2018 concerning Rest and Service Areas (TIP) only regulates the availability of toilets.
“The availability of a bathroom opens up opportunities for us, to develop a rest area from just a place to rest, but also as a business center, such as logistics areas and tourist destinations. This is also stated in PP No. 17 of 2021 concerning the Fourth Amendment to PP No. 15 concerning Toll Roads which will be followed by changes to the Minister of PUPR Regulation No. 10 of 2018 concerning Rest Areas,” he explained further.
Meanwhile, CEO of PT Jawara Bersih Nusantara ( Rudy Wahyu Perdana announced the development of Travoy Rilex! In the rest area is the right step, because it can maximize service by presenting quality sanitation facilities that are comfortable, clean, and safe. In addition, by integrating this service with the application, toll road users can get information about the location of toilets and showers managed by as well as other features that can provide easy access to quality sanitation facilities.
“The presence of not only provides clean and comfortable sanitation facilities, but also the implementation of cashless and touchless payments at the entrance of Travoy Rilex!. In addition, adequate operational maintenance and monitoring in real time is expected to be able to maintain the quality of the facilities offered, including water quality supported by technology. So, is expected to be able to answer the needs of the people in Indonesia for adequate, healthy, safe and comfortable sanitation facilities,” said Rudy.
As a subsidiary of PT. Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. committed to transformation in all its business lines, PT JMRB continues to strive to implement digitalization in the rest areas it manages. Prior to presenting technology-based bathing facilities, PT JMRB has also implemented a cashless payment system for tenants rest area.