Kendal, (25/1) – In order to strengthen relations with the community around Rest Area Travoy 389 B and Rest Area Travoy 391 A Batang-Semarang Section, BKI Rest Area Semarang-Batang held a mass circumcision event, Tuesday (25/1), at the 17 Ringinarum Koramil.

The total number of participants in this mass circumcision event was 43 people. Head of Region III Central Java-1 PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB) Bimo Esmunantyo said this number exceeded the specified quota, which was as many as 40 people. However, said Bimo, BKI provided an additional quota given the very high enthusiasm of the people.

“Alhamdulillah, the event went smoothly, plus the enthusiasm of the community was very high. We thank BKI Semarang-Batang Rest Area for holding a social event like this, so that the relationship between the community and rest area (managers) is getting closer,” said Bimo.

Also in the mass circumcision event, PT JMRB was involved in overseeing the event, especially regarding licensing with the 0715/Kendal Kodim and local authorities in the vicinity.

Previously, BKI Jasa Marga Group often held social service events for the community around the rest area, such as holding religious activities at the mosque rest area and distributing groceries in the context of Eid Al-Fitr 1.442 Hijriah.


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